Saturday, March 5, 2011

Favourite remains

As i grow.. i love animal more and more... papa bought me my favourite animal book - Dinasours! I love this book and everytime i will flip to read different types of dinasour.. my favaourite remains T-rex!

Being kissed by a boy!

I told mommy on Friday that someone kissed me! Mommy got shock asn quickly asked who... I told mommy Ivan Lee kissed my head! The day ih happened, I told Teacher How Ivan Lee kissed me.. Teacher How was shock too and hit Ivan Lee's head.

Mommy told me that no one is supposed to kiss me! I am a girl!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Summary of 2010

Mommy has not been writting for this year.... so this is a summary of some of all those interesting life that took place in 2010.

Mommy and papa signed up me to piano class just next door to papa's office on March 2010.
I love piano and Teacher Tan Swee Ghee is really good! She has all patience to teach me. Not only will she guide me in piano, but also my English, my behavior, manner, what's wrong and what's right and etc. She complemented me as the best student in her class! When we practise for concert, she commented that i sit straight, sing while play, know my sofege, focus, best in "count 9mom cannot remember this call what)and smile after my solo! Hurray! Mommy and papa is so proud of me!!! I love piano! I also have a good fren in this class - Isabel! She is so cute and fun!

I enjoy going to school everyday! I love my friends and teachers:
Friends: Shee Yun (my best friend), Wang Chuan Hui (pretty girl who always say "I dont want to be friend with you tomorrow), Koh Yee Herng, Ivan Lee, Kai Ern (my abacus class friend) and more..
Teachers: Teacher Chai, Teacher Lee, Teacher Rokiah, Teacher Wong and Teacher Ng.
Btw, i got first place in school this year! Mommy, papa, yeh yeh and mama are so proud of me!

Mommy and papa started me with chinese doctors coz last year 2009, i tool to much of antibiotics... i am doing much better now. Even though i still sick every month in 2010, i do not need to take antibiotic much! Hurray! i will get much stronger in 2011!
And i starts to poo every 2-3 days now... the chinese medicine helped me!

I love eggs, only if they are cooked with tomato sauce! hehee.. other eggs?? yucks!
Still no chocolate and biscuit for me this year...
Mommy did spoilt me with some cakes once a while! Yummy!

-I speak more.. better languages eventhoug my sentences structures are still no good, be it in any languages!
-I am a very active girl now! I am happy and jumpy everyday!
-I will disturb yehyeh everyday and loves mahmah dearly! Mommy is to hug everyday! Papa is to be 'tortured' when he comes back! Papa is very creative with games.. we play tarzan and read books together!
-My favourite movies are princesses... and l love Princess Aurora the best! She is so pretty!
-I can read a book now.. and yes! The first one that i finished was Little Dolly. This book was given by aunt Elaine.. love it so much! "High up in the mountain.. in the cabin made of log... there lives a little Dolly.. with plaits and wodden clog..." Mommy read a lot of this book to me!
- My favourite book for now is Dinasours..Papa bought his book for me from Popular Bookstore. I made mommy to read me since we bought.. almost every night!!
